Friday, September 14, 2012

The Witch Is In

Merry Meet, Hola, Bonjour, and Hallo. Welcome to "Baubles & Broomsticks- The Ramblings of a Crazy Witch." Yes, indeedy. I am in fact crazy. Not so crazy that one might think I need to have a straight jacket. To be honest, I could use one of those once in a while. It would keep the edge off from pointing my wand and turning someone into a frog. At least I'd feel like Harry Potter.

Now, why do I say I'm crazy? Well... It just seemed to fit. I have my psychotic moments where if one thing falls down, the rest follows. That's when I start ripping my hair out, yelling a string of cusswords, and damning inanimate objects. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. In the mean time, my cats stare at me as if they're trying to say, "Why is our human yelling? Did one of you leave a present in her bed again?" And if in fact they haven't, I reward them with catnip and copious amounts of petting and cooing. Usually that makes them happy, giving me a moment to chill out. Of course, there's always that one kitty that tends to want more attention than others. He likes to run them off to make sure he gets me all to himself. It usually doesn't work.

I'm a wanna-be cozy mystery writer. I'm working on my very first book. I have a confession: Other authors make it look so easy! I initially thought I would just sit down in front of the computer, pound out a couple of pages a day, and within a year, it'd be ready. Not so. So, hopefully, in a few years, I'll be done. Who knew that it would take a lot of work? Okay, maybe I did. Somewhat. You see, I've always wanted to be a writer, but had no idea what I wanted to write about. I wasn't any good at history (and that included school), so I knew that was out. At one time, I thought I wanted to be a romance author, writing about love stories about falling in love and that had a "happily ever after" ending. After realizing that life wasn't like that, I threw that idea into the trash. Then one cool(ish) day in spring, it came to me: Write what you know. I know about mysteries (cozy, to be exact), and about witchy-type stuff. And my book idea was born! It's actually turning out to be quite fun. I hope it turns out what I have in my head. If not, I'll be one sad, crazy witch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it'll be a great book! And you're not 100% crazy- you're on the line between crazy and weird.5